Category: Heartbreak

  • Are You In An Unhealthy Relationship? Consider These 8 Signs

    Are You In An Unhealthy Relationship? Consider These 8 Signs

    Relationships can and often do bring out the best in people. They make us stronger (both individually and as a couple), help us feel more united and remind us that we are not alone in this big wide world. They allow us to feel good about the direction in our life. And it’s fair to […]

  • I Never Deserved The Heartbreak You Brought Me

    I Never Deserved The Heartbreak You Brought Me

    You could have left without completely screwing me over. You could have walked away without leaving such lasting damage. I’m not blaming you for leaving. I’m blaming you for the way you left. You could have been mature. You could have listed out your reasons for the mistakes you made and I would have listened. I might […]

  • I Finally See How Little He Cares About Me

    I Finally See How Little He Cares About Me

    The mixed signals threw me off for a while. I was convinced he cared about me because he placed at least a little bit of effort into our interactions. I thought that meant something. He could have easily ignored me. He could have erased my texts before answering. He could have deleted me from social media. He […]

  • Read This If Healing Is Hurting Too Much

    Read This If Healing Is Hurting Too Much

    That time would heal all wounds, and that healing would move in a linear line, with a positive slope. I thought there was a broken version of me and then a fixed version of me, with a clear divide between the two. But healing isn’t like that. Healing doesn’t occur on a timeline and often […]

  • The One Thing You Should Never Do After a Breakup

    The One Thing You Should Never Do After a Breakup

    How do all of these girls successfully get over their exes? Mostly by doing one small thing. Not talking to them. I love helping people get over breakups. It’s my thing. There’s nothing like watching someone finally realize that a terrible breakup could be the best thing that ever happened to them. It might take […]

  • 11 Things You Understand When You’re Hurting Like Hell But Trying To Hide It

    11 Things You Understand When You’re Hurting Like Hell But Trying To Hide It

    “I been watchin’ you, workin’ day and night, slavin’ so hard you barely have time to catch your breath. People do that for three reasons. Either they crazy, or stupid, or tryin’ to forget. And with you, I knew you was tryin’ to forget. I just didn’t know what.” -Nicholas Sparks 1. You stay super […]

  • To The Person Who Emotionally Killed Me

    To The Person Who Emotionally Killed Me

    I want you to imagine this specific situation: picture a woman lying down on her bad at night; she’s desperately trying to keep her tears from falling because she doesn’t want to be that cliché weak girl who cries herself to sleep. She’s trying so desperately to think of something else; to take her mind […]

  • 10 Signs You Need To Walk Away (Even If You Still Love Him)

    10 Signs You Need To Walk Away (Even If You Still Love Him)

    Here’s a newsflash for you: Love alone isn’t enough reason to stay in a relationship with someone. Remember that there are many variables that go into trying to make a relationship work. And even though you could love someone with all your heart, your relationship can still come up short of your ideal outcome. Remember […]

  • 15 Real Reasons She Had To Walk Away From You

    15 Real Reasons She Had To Walk Away From You

    You never want to have the girl that you love to break up with you out of the blue. You never want to be blindsided by a breakup. Breakups are already difficult as they are. They are even more difficult to deal with when you don’t see them coming; when you’re unable to prepare yourself […]

  • How To Trust After Heartbreak

    How To Trust After Heartbreak

    Merriam Webster’s dictionary describes trust as a firm belief in the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something and a person or thing in which confidence is placed. One of the valuable things we could ever hand to someone is our trust in them. We trust our family that they always want the […]