Category: Life

  • Maybe She’s Growing Distant So She Can Heal

    Maybe She’s Growing Distant So She Can Heal

    Healing is a process. Something doesn’t just end and you accept it. Healing is a process. It’s takes you understanding why something didn’t work out. It takes learning that some people just aren’t meant for you. In your head that’s easy. You can say it over and over again but when your heart is conflicted,…

  • How to Survive When He Leaves

    How to Survive When He Leaves

    You’re not alone. You’re not the only person who knows the deep, stomach-churning, soul-gutting pain of watching the one you love walk away from you. And when this happens, there will be days you wake up and just want stay in your bed all day. There will be days when the thought of getting all dressed…

  • You’ll Get Through This, Pretty Girl

    You’ll Get Through This, Pretty Girl

    Hey, pretty girl, so it happened again. You walked into the room, pretty girl, with dignity and grace. You held your head high, and he asked you to dance. You gave him your hand and followed his lead. You gave it a try, pretty girl. You didn’t expect to bleed. It was worth it, pretty…

  • When You Love Someone, Putting Effort Into The Relationship Does Not Seem Like A Big Deal

    When You Love Someone, Putting Effort Into The Relationship Does Not Seem Like A Big Deal

    When you love someone, you don’t think twice about texting them when you wake up in the morning or inviting them over once work is over or planning a fun date to take them on over the weekend. You do those things on instinct. You treat your person right because they matter to you. The…

  • We Don’t Commit Anymore, But We Keep Getting Our Hearts Broken Anyway

    We Don’t Commit Anymore, But We Keep Getting Our Hearts Broken Anyway

    Most of us have been single for large gaps of time. We have not been in a committed relationship in months, maybe years, maybe ever. But it has not been all that long since our last heartbreak. We are still healing from an almost relationship, a friend with benefits, a one-night stand, a summer fling. We…

  • If She Wants You, You Won’t Have To Chase Her

    If She Wants You, You Won’t Have To Chase Her

    Ahhh the chase… We’ve been taught that a man has a primal instinct to chase a woman. That he thrives on the challenge of trying to win her over. That it boosts his manhood and ego when he chases a woman and captures her heart. But chasing is different than courting and different than pursuing.…

  • You Deserve To Be With Someone Who Actually Gives A Damn About You

    You Deserve To Be With Someone Who Actually Gives A Damn About You

    If he doesn’t like you, why do you like him? Although this occurs with both genders, I can only speak to the female side. Whether a guy blows you off or disappears, why do females typically continue to hold on? Why do we rationalize and hope for some explanation to turn the situation around? Why…

  • For The BFFs Who Live Far Away But Are Better Friends Than Anyone Next Door

    For The BFFs Who Live Far Away But Are Better Friends Than Anyone Next Door

    We live in different states. We rarely see each other in person anymore. But our distance has not weakened our friendship. You are still a better friend to me than some of the girls next door. I have friends who could drive to my place in fewer than ten minutes — but they do not…

  • I Can’t Tell You I Love You (But I Do)

    I Can’t Tell You I Love You (But I Do)

    I look at you as more than what you are to me currently. Because to me you are everything. Everything I’ve ever wanted but mostly because you treat me as though I matter. As if my opinions and everything I want is important to you too. And that’s what love is. But I can’t tell…

  • Sometimes I Feel Like Modern Love Is Not For Me

    Sometimes I Feel Like Modern Love Is Not For Me

    Sometimes I feel like my mind can’t really comprehend the games, the mixed signals, the low investment and the tests we put each other through to make sure this is not just another heartbreak in disguise. Sometimes my heart can’t understand the distance. After an amazing first date, after a deep conversation, after a beautiful…