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Zodiac Signs That Are TERRIBLE At Relationships (And Why)

Your relationship ended before it really began.

You had such high hopes for your relationship and you thought it was going to be one of those that last forever and are extremely fulfilling. Even your horoscope made you believe that you’d stay together. Except, it turned out to be the opposite kind of relationship.

Your relationship ended before it ever really began but that doesn’t mean that you’re not justified in feeling what you feel. You can grieve, get angry, and be saddened by an almost-relationship just as you would with an ending of any kind of relationship.

No one wants to feel rejected for any reason. You question what happened that prevented this relationship from growing into something lasting.

If a relationship is going to last, both parties need to be on the same page as far as their intentions go. If he just wants someone to have sex with and you want kids, that’s a problem. And it’s never a good idea to go into something thinking that you’ll change their mind and that they’ll come around to your way of thinking.

Does it happen? Sure, but do you really want to waste your time and put your self-esteem on the line by betting that you’ll be able to manipulate someone into loving you and wanting the same things you want?

Maybe your relationship was cut short because there wasn’t much there to bind the two of you. You could have had amazing sexual chemistry but didn’t have much in common or share the same goals. There are times when it doesn’t matter how much you care for someone, there’s no glue to make the relationship hold together.

Timing is an important factor in relationships. Where you and your partner are at in your lives must be in sync or you’ll never be in the same emotional place and joining your lives together becomes impossible.

You may not feel it at the time but most of the time when an almost-relationship fails, it’s a good thing. It’s much easier to extricate yourself from something that barely got started than a relationship that’s been going on for decades.

Here are the zodiac signs that are terrible at relationships and why your almost-relationship failed in the end.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

The truth is that your relationship was over before it even really got started. You never treated it with the care and the thoughtfulness that goes into a relationship. You made plans and never included him, you acted surprised when he contacted you as if you fully expected him to ghost you, and you never made it seem as if you were invested at all in having a regular relationship. It’s okay to play it cool but not to the point where you’re freezing your potential partner right out of your life.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

You have a very elaborate set of tests and trials to make sure that a potential boyfriend is vetted. The problem is that you take such a long time trying to make sure that someone is okay enough to pursue a relationship with, that they eventually run out of patience and decide that it’s not worth jumping through hoops and trying to prove themselves worthy of your attention. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and let whatever happens, happen.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

You didn’t want to have “buyer’s remorse” so you kept your options open with this guy. You didn’t want to be tied down if somebody better came along. What if you had a relationship with him and then met your perfect man? You don’t like it when things get emotionally messy. It’s much better to keep someone at arm’s length and if your relationship doesn’t turn into something serious, then there’s no harm done.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

He was honest from the outset and told you that he wasn’t interested in having a relationship but you were convinced that once he spent time with you and got to know you, he’d change his mind. Only, he didn’t. He was honest, you just weren’t honest with yourself. You can’t choose someone because they’re a challenge and you want a victory in the relationship games. Next time, believe it when someone tells you that they’re not interested in a relationship and move on.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

You’re too busy to waste your time on almosts and not good enoughs so you made a strong and healthy decision and ended things. You know you’re the whole package and that when you settle for less you aren’t doing anyone any favors. Your confidence is extremely attractive and people are drawn to you, so you probably won’t be single for long.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

You both were at two different points in your life and you weren’t connecting in a positive way. Maybe you’ll meet again sometime in the future and things will be more in alignment, but at this point, it’s best that you went your separate ways. You can’t force a relationship, especially when both participants don’t have the emotional resources to create a lasting bond.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

You both were being so careful not to say or do the wrong thing that you weren’t being yourselves. It was impossible for you to be in a relationship together because you weren’t being honest or vulnerable. It’s great to be considerate of another’s person’s feelings but not to the extent where you’re too afraid to reveal who you truly are.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Things got very intense quickly at the start of the relationship but then just as quickly they fizzled out. You shared an extreme sexual attraction for each other but very little else. There just wasn’t enough to build a relationship with and once you both were satiated, you knew that the relationship would never be anything more than a sexual release.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

It didn’t take long for your almost relationship to feel suffocating to you. You prize your independence and want to feel free to do whatever you please without feeling tied down to someone else. Once reality started to sink in, you took off. Perhaps it could have worked and the truth is that everything working out was extremely scary for you, making you one of the zodiac signs that are terrible at relationships.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

You literally had no time to see him. You were far too busy to do anything besides the occasional text. You convinced yourself that if he really had wanted to pursue a relationship with you, he would have made an effort. Obviously, a relationship wasn’t what either of you wanted and now you can spend even more time on your work projects.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The two of you rarely spent any alone time together. You went on group dates with your friends and you never wanted to do couple things together. You wouldn’t even hold his hand in public because you wanted to seem detached and as if you didn’t care that much about him. Good job — he received the message of your disinterest loud and clear.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

You might not be aware of it but you acted as if he was some kind of mind reader. You expected him to know what you were feeling and what you wanted without ever saying anything to him about. From the way you acted, he assumed that you only wanted to be friends and acted accordingly. Throwing yourself at someone may not always be the best line of attack when it comes to a relationship, but you should at least give your potential partner some kind of clue about what you’re feeling.

By Christine Schoenwald for YourTango