You are blessed and you are loved by many. So please ignore those negative thoughts that tell you otherwise.
You are blessed and you are loved by many. So please ignore those negative thoughts that tell you otherwise.
You’re a friendly person, a social butterfly, making friends wherever you are, wherever you go. You touch many hearts with your fun personality and caring demeanor.
However, I understand because there are days when you feel like there is no one to hang out with. All your friends are busy hanging out with someone else or you check your social media and see that all your friends are in their respective groups hanging out and having fun. You question why it’s hard for you to belong anywhere.
But I just want to let you know that you’re important. You’re not overlooked. You’re not forgotten. You are truly loved despite what your inner thoughts are saying in your head. You may not belong to a certain group of friends. But the fact that you are welcomed to so many groups says so much about your personality.
The fact that you have so many friends means that you have many whom you can rely on and who can rely on you.
You’re not the only person who feels this way. In fact, I know this feeling of loneliness. I also feel self-doubt in my ability to have friends and keep them. I, too, question why I can’t have one group of friends that I can constantly rely on.
But I realize now that it’s silly for me and you to feel this way. It’s not about belonging. It’s about doing. It’s about being there for others even if they aren’t there for you. It’s about giving love as much as your heart can allow. It’s not about being special, but making others feel special.
Stop looking for a place to belong. You’re not the type of person that belongs to one group. You’re meant to bring happiness to so many more. Cheers to you who doesn’t belong in one place. You’re a friend that everyone loves, and that should be more than enough to make you realize that you belong in a special place in their hearts.