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This Is How You Lose A Girl Who Loves You Without You Even Knowing It

You lose her whenever you make her think that she isn’t really worthy of being a priority in your life. You lose her when you make her feel like a mere option to you even though you’re practically the centre of her entire universe. She always did the best that she could to give you everything that you needed. She always did her best to make you feel that she was willing to give you everything that she could give even though you never showed her the same kind of willingness.

You lose her whenever you keep her at a distance and you make her feel like she isn’t welcome in your life. She is always trying to bridge the gap between the two of you. She is always trying to get intimate with you. She is always trying to get close to you because she knows that that is what it takes to sustain a healthy relationship with you. However, you are always shutting her down. You are always making her feel like you’re not willing to open yourself up to her.

You lose her whenever you make her feel insecure about her place in your life and your relationship. You are slowly losing her whenever you don’t give her the security that she needs to feel safe while she’s with you. She’s desperately trying to hold on to you, but you aren’t really giving her much incentive to stay with you. You are constantly feeding into her insecurities, and you’re diminishing her confidence and sense of self-worth. You make her feel so alone and sad even though you’re always spending time together.

This is the kind of girl who is willing to make all the sacrifices in the world for you and yet you never seem to give her the gratitude or appreciation that she deserves. You never throw her a bone even though she has been nothing but loyal to you.

You lose her every single time you lie to her. You lose her every single time you betray her trust. You lose her every single time you make her feel like you don’t respect her enough to tell her the truth. You lose her whenever you deceive her even though she is always trying to be honest and true to you. You lose her every time she feels that you’re just trying to fool her.

You lose her whenever you don’t really give her ay signs that you’re ready to commit to the relationship. You lose her whenever you don’t make her feel like you’re ready to share a future with her. She is so ready to just drop everything and centre her entire life around you, but you don’t seem to make her feel safe to do so. She doesn’t know if you’re still going to be in her life tomorrow, next month, next year. You never make her feel like you’re always going to be there for her. She so desperately wants to depend on you. However, you never give her reason to do so. You are as unreliable as can be. And it breaks her heart to know that she can’t really count on you to always be there for her – it hurts her because she knows that she would go running to you whenever you call.

You lose her whenever you throw threats and ultimatums at her about your relationship. She secretly gets heartbroken whenever you use your love and affection as some kind of bargaining chip. It breaks her heart whenever you just manipulate and abuse her love for you. She gets really sad whenever she realizes that you’re just using her; that you’re just taking her for granted. It makes her realize that you’re not really being serious about her. It shows that you have no respect for the love that she has for you; and that you don’t really value it the way that you should.

You lose her every single time you make her feel like she is less of a person than she actually is. You lose her every time you make her feel like a mere object that exists for your own pleasure. You lose her whenever you treat her like some kind of experiment; wherein you just manipulate her to test the boundaries of her love.

You lose her every time you disappoint her and you don’t follow through. You lose her whenever you break promises to her. You lose her whenever you fail to give her a sense of stability and consistency. She is never going to be able to rely on you even though she desperately wants to. You lose her whenever you make her jump through hoops for you even though you don’t do the same for her.