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Strong Girls Need Stronger Men: How Men Should Love Independent Women

If you’re like me, you have a hard time letting go of control and trusting someone else.

If you’re a girl like me, you have a hard time letting go of control and trusting someone else to know what’s best for you. But for us strong-willed (or just stubborn) girls who have an unhealthy love for things being “just so,” I believe there’s a special type of man we need by our sides.

Here are some ways an independent and perfectionist girl had to learn to be taken care of and loved by a strong, understanding man.

1. She most likely didn’t give him the time of day when he was trying to get her to fall for him, maybe because she’s just clueless or maybe because she thinks she’s fine on her own. If he loves her, he’ll prove to her that she needs love and support as much as the next person.

2. She’s not great at being spontaneous. If he loves her, he’ll teach her that life is way more fun when she lets things happen as they will without planning every minute.

3. She can go from being totally cool to feeling super overwhelmed really quickly. If he loves her, he’ll know when she’s close to her breaking point and he’ll help her calm down.

4. Chances are she won’t want to ask for help (ever). If he loves her, he’ll pay attention when she does ask for help, because that means she seriously needs it.

5. She’s a freak about making to-do lists. If he loves her, he’ll try and get a glimpse of the list and do a couple things on it without her asking.

6. She has a difficult time saying “no,” so she’s super busy all the time but won’t let anyone see that she’s exhausted. If he loves her, he’ll force her to get some rest.

7. She’s always smiling, but that doesn’t mean she always feels happy inside. If he loves her, he’ll tell her so. He’ll encourage her, regardless of the smiles, since he knows she needs it.

8. She likes to have everything perfect and clean when people are in her home. If he loves her, he’ll remind her it’s okay if there are a few dishes in the sink and her bed isn’t made.

9. She’s independent. If he loves her, he’ll love her strength and free spirit, and they won’t scare him away; but he refuses to let her do life on her own because he knows she needs him.

10. She’s easily frightened when things aren’t going her way because she feels like she just isn’t working hard enough. If he loves her, he’ll remind her that the God of the Universe holds her.

11. She has a hard time accepting anything less from herself than perfection. If he loves her, he’ll show her that she’s loved by her Creator more than anyone else could love her, including himself, regardless of her imperfections.

By Morgan Powell for Odyssey