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Remain Calm, Stay Strong, And Walk Away.

Vengeance can, of course, be very tempting whenever you know that you have been wronged. It can be very enticing to just completely plot out a path of destruction for a person who has caused you so much pain and disdain. You might be tempted to destroy the life of the person who brought you on the brink of losing yourself. But consider this a plea; a request for you to keep things together.

You need to be able to be the better person. You need to be more than who you are. Don’t stoop down to their level. Be your own person and stay true to your own genuine self. Be who you really are. And who you are is not someone who destroys other people. You are not a destroyer. You are not a toxic person. You are a kindhearted and loving individual who has been broken by someone terrible.

But now you’re on the mend. You’re on the path to becoming better. You’re now on the road to fixing your own life. And you won’t be able to do that if you act on your vengeful desires. And you won’t be able to heal if you allow yourself to stay in that situation either. So, that is why you just need to walk away from the entire situation entirely. You need to be able to just distance yourself from that kind of toxicity. Learn to let go and just move on. You don’t have to hold on to these people in your life. Not all people are worth holding on to.

You should be able to walk away from people who don’t keep their commitments towards you; the ones who make plans with you and then cancel on the last minute. You should be able to walk away from someone who is ignoring your texts and phone calls. You should be able to walk away from someone who doesn’t make you a priority; someone who only treats you as a mere option. You should be able to walk away from someone who makes you feel like it’s actually a burden to be in a relationship with you.

You should be able to walk away from someone who makes you anxious and nervous all the time. You shouldn’t have to pay any mind to the person who only brings you stress and uncertainty. You shouldn’t have to put up with being with someone who you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around. You should always be able to walk away from someone who feeds into your deepest fears and insecurities. You don’t need to allow space in your life for someone who is only looking to tear you down at every opportunity.

You should always be able to walk away from people who make you feel like you are less than you actually are. You should always be able to walk away from someone who is only going to make you feel like you are difficult to be in a relationship with. You shouldn’t have to bear with being with a person who is only going to make you feel like you are an afterthought; someone who makes you feel like you aren’t a genuine priority. You shouldn’t have to put up with people who just make your life a living hell.

You should always be able to walk away from people who are able to lie to you straight to your face without even stuttering; people who aren’t shy about just straight-up deceiving you. You should be able to walk away from people who like to keep you in the dark; people who don’t respect you enough to give you the truth even when you are deserving of it. You don’t need to be lying to this person in return. You don’t need to do anything to pay them back. You just have to be able to muster up the courage to walk away from them entirely. They aren’t worthy of any of your time or attention. They aren’t worthy of your breath – so don’t waste it on them.

At the end of the day, you’re always going to have a choice. You may not necessarily get to control how the universe is going to treat you. You can’t always choose how people are going to be when they’re with you. But you can always choose how you’re going to react. And you should always try your best to take the high road. And whenever you get the opportunity to get rid of toxic people in your life, then you should do so without hesitation. You shouldn’t be afraid of just dropping people who don’t make the effort to stay in your life.

By RelRules