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Psychic Powers Each Zodiac Sign Possess

We are all suspicious that we have an innate psychic ability within us. Some like the Aries are notorious for being at the right place, right time, while others like Libra seem to know people better than they know their own selves. Freaky! Find out what you are most in tuned with in this universe.


Right Place, Right Time
Your psychic ability is finding the next big thing. For example, while simply walking aimlessly, you come upon a party and discover a performer who is honing his or her act in front of ten friends and some family, who will sell millions of dollars’ worth of concert tickets next year. You’re a talent magnet!


Sensing the Invisible Border
The Bull taps deep into understanding boundaries. You avoid tension by never crossing the invisible line of acceptable behavior that every person establishes. You can sense when someone is trying to get past your personal barriers and are fearless in confronting these interlocutions before they get too deep.


Finding the Words
The Twin is heavily connected to the five senses, so powerfully in fact, that a sixth sense is almost not needed. The Twin is a natural speaker of the right words. You will often be asked, “How did you know that?” and have no concrete answer. You just knew it. Your psychic sense pulls the right words out of thin air.


Trusting your Gut
The reason you know what is going to happen, psychically, is that your emotional sensibilities are able to feel what others are feeling. If you feel a bully is actually tentative under an aggressive posture, your aggression will be seen as bravado when in reality it was psychic empathy in action.


Timing is Everything
You are connected, psychically, almost magnetically, to the rhythm of life, moment by moment. You know exactly when to show up. If the party starts at 6:00 PM and you do not get there until 9:30, suddenly, the boring affair will start rockin’. You know when to arrive, when to speak up, and when to make your move.


Sensing Opportunities and Threats
Your ability to know information before it is released and to formulate a correct prognosis might seem like a stroke of genius. Your psychic sense of what the building will look like next year on today’s vacant lot allows you to know when to move into a neighborhood that is about to be a better place to raise a family.


Knowing the Other Better than Yourself 
Your psychic ability is to read other people, to understand their motives, and to know what their next move will be even before they know. But there is a blind spot. It is the mirror. You do not know yourself well enough to see your own accomplishments in a correct light. You also lose your sixth sense when someone gets close to you.


Filtering Out the Surface Layer 
Your hunger for deep affection has an intense physical expression. The verbal is almost always an annoyance. Words get in the way in your pursuit of passion and you know a flirt from someone who really wants love. The ability to read lust and reel it in is your psychic power – and you can tell when someone is genuinely interested in a friend as well.


Divining Success 
Your sign has a natural optimism because you know ahead of time exactly where the opportunities are. While other people look at charts and graphs and hire consultants, you already know where and when to take the gamble, be it in business or in love. Your rate of success in pursuing gains is enviable.


Knowing the Pace 
Some people suddenly stop doing what they are doing. They quit their job and move. They sell the house. Capricorns psychically know the pace of life. When it is time to grow, you start before any clues are out there or any information is available. You make radical changes in your life at the right time and move up the ladder of success at a steady pace.


The ability to get what you want from other people is an Aquarian’s innate talent and you wield it as an art form. You could ask for what you want, but you already know what the other person is looking for and can package your needs and desires as their wishes.


Seeing the Entire Picture
Pisces is by far the most psychic sign of the zodiac. The big picture is your specialty. You know where all the parts of the puzzle are falling. Science fiction and other dimensions are facts and you can visit them through intense visions, channeling larger truths back to the rest of us bound to the earthly plane.