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You Owe It To Yourself To Move On From Those Who Hurt You

After the breaking of your heart,
you feel as if your life will never be the same again.

You ache their body next to yours,
You ache for their touch,
You ache to have that routine,
To have that person you wake up to
To have that person to call when things go wrong
To have that person you think about when that song comes on unexpectedly.

But then you suddenly remember the hurt,
the endless nights of crying
the words he said you wish you could forget
the aching of regret for the things you did
the fights that would go unresolved
How sometimes it was easier to pretend you were fine
how sometimes it was easier to hide how you were feeling
How you would rather hide than actually talk about anything
How life was easier walking on unsteady ground than face the reality of what life actually was.
How it was easier to hide than to fight
To fight like it’s a battle
To fight like there is always a winner
To fight like you aren’t even listening, just yelling at one another
To say things to hurt the other
To use words to one another that you would never say to another person
To hurt them in ways you wish you would forget
It was better to leave
It was better to stop hurting each other
It was better to move on
It was better to stand up for a relationship that you deserve
Instead of standing around watching your heart-break over and over again
Because you deserve so much more than a breaking heart
You deserve to move on from the loneliness.
You deserve to move on from the longing of another body next to yours.
You deserve to move on from losing sleep
You deserve to move on from the ache you feel when you hear someone bring up his name

You deserve to feel whole again.
You deserve to finally feel happy all on your own.
You deserve to finally be okay when other people ask about him.
You deserve to be honest in your answer when people ask if you’re okay,
You deserve to finally move on from the heartbreak.
To finally move on from feeling something when you look at his social media
To finally move on from feeling something when you see his new life
To finally be okay with him being with her
To finally be open to start dating
To finally enjoying being with someone new
To finally enjoying kissing someone new
To finally start actually feeling something for someone again when you never thought it was even possible to feel something again after your heartbreak

You deserve to move on.
You deserve happiness
you deserve wholeness in your life again
You deserve to start something new
You deserve to enjoy being in another person’s arms or all on your own.
You deserve joy
you deserve a life filled with everything you hoped for
You deserve a peaceful life after the breaking of your heart
You deserve to move on.

By Laura Kennedy for ThoughtCatalog