Seriously though, it will only end in tears, I can promise you this.
Although this concept seems like basic common sense, it’s surprising how far people will go to try and win their prizes affection, this is regardless of how much common sense they do possess.
I say prize, because this exactly what it is. Trying to win someone’s affection can be deemed by many different concepts. Have you ever heard of the hunter gatherer theory where a man will hunt down their prize? Once caught “said prize” and exhausted its needs, it is no longer required and therefore subsequently ditched? As bad as this initially sounds, I am sorry to say ladies and gents that this does happen in real life. Once ditched, chasers may continue to pursue someone despite knowing full well that this shit isn’t going to work out, this is where trusting your gut instinct comes in to full fruition. We as human beings are certainly intelligent enough to feel when something isn’t going right, so why do we continue to chase someone who doesn’t want to be chased? Well the simple answer is, the chasers have simply fallen victim to love addiction.
If you have ever fallen victim to this, there is a possibility that you have done some pretty bat shit crazy things to try and win over someone’s endearment without much regard for your own self-worth. I am embarrassed to admit that my very poetic, lengthy and needy messages did nothing more than make my partner at the time run as far away from me as entirely possible, plus my need to post continuous love quotations on social media, didn’t do me any favors at all. I am however, slightly relieved on some small level, that I am not the only person on this entire planet who has done some pretty bat shit crazy things beyond their norms to win someone’s affection equating to very disastrous consequences. We all live and learn by our relationship mistakes!
So how do we overcome this? Well, there is nothing more painstaking than unrequited love when it comes to down to relationship breakdowns, but remember that just because someone doesn’t feel the same way about you as you do, it doesn’t mean that someone else won’t feel the same way. If you are hurting, then there is a chance that you need to build on yourself esteem before pursuing anyone else.
Chasing someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you is a complete waste of your time and energy that can be otherwise used to build up on your own self confidence. Pursuing something that will simply never work due to numerous factors can be very damaging and make you look and feel incredibly stupid in the long run. Accept who you are, learn to love yourself first and the rest will fall in to place. Make things happen for the right reasons, never make feel someone feel bad for not wanting your love and affection and always be true and honest to yourself. If things don’t work out, remember that there are plenty more fish in the sea, but don’t go looking for love, love will always find you when the time is right. That I can also promise.
By Victoria Jane for Her Blog