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Let 2018 Be An Opportunity For You To Start Over

Let 2018 be the time for you to actually let yourself fall in love – wholeheartedly, the way it’s always meant to be done.

Let the next year be the time for you to be brave and courageous. Let this be the year where you actually start saying yes to yourself and for yourself. You have to let 2018 be the year where you decide it’s okay for you to be selfish. Let this be the year where you say it’s time for you to go after the things that you most want in life. Let this be the year where you unleash yourself; where you no longer hold yourself back from grabbing at the opportunities you’ve always chosen to let go in the past. Let this be the year where you finally be shameless about pursuing your dreams. Let this be the year where you finally start to take what’s deservedly yours. Let this be the year where you finally start letting the circumstances of your life shape you. Let this be the year where you actively take part in shaping a life that you want for yourself. Let this be the year where your skin thickens and your heart boldens. Let this be the year where your mind sharpens and your soul hardens like a rock. Let this be the year where you actively shine under the spotlight. Let this be the year where you take risks – and learn from your mistakes while also building on your victories. Let this be the year where you finally start too take full ownership of your life.

Let the next year be the time for you to really speak up. Open yourself up to others without fear or shame. Let this be the year where you gain the courage to actively speak up about your deepest beliefs. Let this be the year where you defend your strongest convictions with utmost fervor. Let this be the year where you actually allow yourself to be vulnerable – because that is really the only way you will ever learn and grow. Let this be the year where you actually shed he unnecessary layers of your personality to reveal who you really are – along with all of your strengths and flaws.

Let this be the year where you let your guard down and you let your walls crumble just a little bit – because that’s the only way you’re ever going to let valuable people into your life. Let this be the year where you realize your own strength – where you realize that you don’t constantly have to be hiding in your shell to protect yourself. You are stronger than you think. You can handle more than you believe. Let this be the year where you finally decide to let hope into your world.

Let the next year be the time for you to actually let yourself fall in love – wholeheartedly, the way it’s always meant to be done. You have to stop worrying about whether you’re just opening yourself to getting hurt in the long run. You have to stop worrying about the person you love is going to love you back in the same manner. You have to stop second-guessing yourself at every turn because if you do, people are just going to keep passing you by. No one is going to wait for a fickle mind and an unsure heart. Let this be the year where you actually keep yourself busy. Let this be the year where you stop taking a passive approach to living your life. Let this be the year where you no longer serve as a spectator to everything that’s happening around you. Let this be the year where you actively look for love instead of just waiting for it to come knocking at your doorstep. And when that love comes, let this be the year where you embrace it in all its glory.

Let the next year be the time for you to actually burn the bridges that you need to burn. Let this be the year where you actually close the chapters on the narratives that no longer add value to your life. Let this be the year where you actually cut loose from all of the baggage that has been weighing you down. Let this be the year where you let go of the people who hold you back from being who you’re destined to be. Let this be the year where you let go of the plans that just aren’t meant for you. Let this be the year where you’re no longer concerned about everything that’s behind you because you’re too busy taking in everything that’s in store for you.

Let the next year be the year where you finally believe in yourself. Let it be the year where you recognize the new chapter of your life that you have full ownership of. Let this be the year where you actually start writing the story of your life that you’ve always meant to live yourself.

By A for RelRules