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It’s Better To Be Single Than To Be With A Guy Who Always Cheats On You

You should never have to date a guy who is constantly giving you a reason to doubt his intentions with you. You should never have to settle for a guy who is constantly making you doubt whether his feelings are real or not. You should never have to put up with a guy who is always making you feel like he’s not really being serious with you. You should never have to date a boy who doesn’t make you feel safe and secure in your own relationship. It’s much better for you to be single than to date a guy who doesn’t make you feel like he’s really going to commit to you.

You should never be in a relationship where you are constantly feeling the itch to sift through his phone whenever he’s not looking. You shouldn’t feel so compelled to just browse through his messages because you always get the feeling that he’s up to something sketch behind your back. You shouldn’t have to feel so insecure in your own relationship that you just can’ bring yourself to trust your man to be on his best behavior even when you’re not looking. You shouldn’t really feel the need to be browsing through his phone’s photo gallery to see if you’re going to find any faces and bodies that aren’t yours. You shouldn’t have to feel compelled to see if he’s still using any dating apps because he’s still trying to keep his options open. You should never have to date a guy who feels so uncertain about you to the point that he still feels the need to be flirting with other girls.

You should never have to date a guy who lies to you and who feeds you a lot of bull crap. You shouldn’t have to put up with his lame excuses and his alibis. You shouldn’t have to be in a relationship with someone who you don’t believe when he tells you that he’s been working late at night. You shouldn’t have to be with someone who you doubt when he says he’s going to go out drinking with his guy friends. You shouldn’t have to constantly be looking inside yourself because of the sinking feeling that you have in your gut. You shouldn’t have to constantly quiet down your intuitions because of how loud everything is; because of how blatant all the signs are about his dishonesty. You shouldn’t have to feel like you are being betrayed by the man you love with all of his lies and his deceit. You shouldn’t have to try to make sense of all of his jumbled lies and half-truths. You know that his stories aren’t adding up and they’re all just confusing you. But a relationship shouldn’t really be confusing at all. You should never have to be with someone who keeps you in the dark and hides things from you. You shouldn’t have to be with someone who makes you feel like you’re not worthy of the truth.

You shouldn’t have to put up with a guy who just leaves in the middle of the night without really explaining why. You shouldn’t have to sit there on your kitchen counter waiting for him to come home; staring at your phone every few seconds or so in the hopes that he will call you. You shouldn’t have to be losing sleep; wondering about where your man is, what he is doing, or who he is with. You shouldn’t have to put up with a man who you need to constantly be keeping tabs on. You shouldn’t have to be frantically ringing his friends up just so you can get an idea of where he is. You should never have to put up with this kind of uncertainty in a loving relationship. In a truly loving relationship, you should always feel safe, secure, and certain about everything. You should always have a sense of stability.

You shouldn’t date a guy who just closes himself off to you; a man who only chooses to show you the things that he wants to show you. You should always be with a man who stays open and truthful to you about everything in life. You should be with a man who isn’t afraid of being his true and genuine self around you. You should be with a man who doesn’t feel the need to filter himself with you; someone who needs to mask his activities and his feelings.

So, just stay single for now. It’s a lot better than being with a man who isn’t serious about being with you. It’s better to be single than to be with someone who isn’t really looking to commit to you. You shouldn’t have to put up with being in a relationship with someone who clearly doesn’t want to be with you.

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