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Is He Your Future Husband or a Waste of Time? Here are 18 Differences

You’re seeing this guy. And you can’t tell if he’s the one or just a waste of your time, aka a loser. We’re here to help:

1. Your future husband brings out the best in you. A loser brings out the crazy, stalker bitch in you.

2. Your future husband values commitment and partnership. A loser is just trying to hang out.

3. Your future husband sees your success as his success. A loser needs to take you down a notch.

4. Your future husband thinks you’re the most beautiful woman in the world. A loser’s eyes keep wandering.

5. Your future husband makes you feel secure. A loser makes you want to check his phone.

6. Your future husband prioritizes your happiness. A loser prioritizes his own happiness.

7. Your future husband enjoys conversation with you. A loser just wants you to be quiet.

8. Your future husband makes plans with you in advance. A loser always pops up out of nowhere the same day.

9. Your future husband creates a feeling of forward momentum in the relationship. A loser wants to keep things exactly as they are.

10. Your future husband makes it clear he’s into you. A loser keeps you wondering.

11. Your future husband makes you feel chased. A loser is someone you’re always struggling to pin down.

12. Your future husband consistently reaches out to you. A loser goes radio silent for days.

13. Your future husband texts you just to check in. A loser texts you when he wants something.

14. Your future husband asks about you and your life. A loser couldn’t care less.

15. Your future husband is great in real life. A loser looks good only on paper, if that.

16. Your future husband treats you like a priority. A loser makes you feel like a backup plan.

17. Your future husband does nice little things for you, just because. A loser doesn’t.

18. Your future husband wants to show you off to his friends and family. A loser hides you from them.

By Halle Kaye for Bolde