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Go For A Guy Who Will Take You On These Kinds Of Dates

Should you go to dinner after the movie so we have something to talk about or will sitting in dark silence with a total stranger be all that terrible? Come on, guys. Dinner and a movie is an overrated substitute for a date. Instead of being bored to death, go for a guy who takes you on adventures like these:


Granted, you might not have as much time for chitchat when you’re huffing and puffing up the side of a mountain, but nothing is hotter than a guy who wants to pack a picnic lunch for when you find that mountaintop view. All that’s left for you to do is stuff your backpack with a few granola bars and water bottles and you’re set. There’s nothing wrong with sneaking a little outdoor exercise into our date too.


Find the closest big city and take a day to see the sites. My guy and I recently took a day trip to Atlanta, Georgia where we went through the World of Coke Museum and stopped by one of the city’s hottest pizza joints. You can never pass up museums (they’re usually much cooler than they sound) and you definitely can’t pass up big city pizza. But if museums and pizza aren’t enough, look around for really neat coffee shops, dog parks and other quaint places unique to that city.


Honestly, I was a little skeptical the first time a guy wanted to take me rock wall climbing, mainly because I had no idea what I was doing. Turns out, it was a blast! We took this belaying class, which is a fancy way for saying that we learned how to spot each other with the ropes and harnesses, and we had so much fun learning something new together. Then, we got the chance to try out our new skills on all sorts of rock walls. Besides, watching him get all excited about mastering a figure eight rope knot was pretty sexy.


Let Google Maps locate the nearest big body of water near you and take off! If someone’s got a boat, go water skiing or tubing. If you’re broke like me, just find the nearest deserted boating dock and take some time to skip a few rocks and watch the sunset. If it’s super quiet and low key, take the time to open up and talk. These are the conversations that turn into deep life talks. And those are the best.


If you’re like me and you can’t cook at all, then something as simple as staying in and preparing a meal together is the perfect adventure. The two of you should ask for an old family recipe or look through Pinterest to find something yummy that the both of you would like to try. Go to the grocery store together, then come home and cook up a storm. And if the meal crashes and burns, literally, it’s no big deal. Just pick up a tub of ice cream while you’re out at the grocery store just in case.


Other than forking out a little bit of cash for some gas, this is a fun, inexpensive date. All you have to do is fill up the tank, find some pretty back roads, and just go. It’s a great way to get an idea about someone’s music taste, and there’s also no way to avoid at least some form of conversation. Also, if someone gets hungry but you’re both too broke to pay for a fancy dinner, stop by a gas station and load up on candy and Cokes and just keep driving.


Don’t ignore this one. Don’t label it corny, either. Whether it’s a Broadway-type of musical or a local high school play, have fun dressing up together and watching a live performance. Lots of local performance theaters enjoy audience interaction, too, which is a total upgrade from watching a flat, boring television screen. And let’s face it, performance theaters have much better snacks and merchandise than a rundown movie theater.


Whether it’s an apple festival or a ride-filled carnival, take a weekend to visit nearby fairs. You can take advantage of the local produce samples, or you can let him win one of those goldfish that only lives for two days for you at a ring toss. It might seem a little cliche but spending the day eating crappy fried food and playing silly, rip-off games together is super fun. Let’s be real—you can’t deny the fact that you actually want to be that girl who’s dragging home a 20-pound teddy bear.


One time, I was halfway invited to a wedding where I didn’t really know anybody, so I asked a random guy to go with me just for the heck of it. Now we’re engaged. So please, just once, try crashing a wedding. The bride and groom will be so wrapped up in each other and all of the wedding festivities that they won’t even realize that they have no idea who you are. Besides, weddings always serve five-star dinners and desserts. So you might just end up with a free dinner for two.

By Peyton Hanners for Bolde