I am never going to be the person who couldn’t give a fuck. The person who lets everything roll right off their back. The person who walks around without a care in the world.
I care. Too much. I care about what strangers think of me. I care about how long it takes friends to text back. I care about the way I dress and how much money I make and whether other people like me.
I know some people are turned off by how high-maintenance I seem, but if you ask me, you should fall in love with someone who cares too much.
It means I will care about whether I hurt you. If I mess up, I will apologize straight to your face and will mean every word. I will find a way to make it up to you. I won’t stop until you are smiling again because hurting you in any way will make me feel like complete shit.
Caring too much means I will drown you with compliments. I will encourage you to reach for your dreams. I will remind you of your worth when you have a rough day. I will help you see yourself the way I see you, because the thought of you feeling insecure will kill me inside.
Caring too much means I will protect your feelings. I won’t cheat on you. I won’t lie to you. I won’t do anything that would make you uncomfortable. Before making any big decisions, I will think about how they will impact you. I will always take your feelings into consideration.
Caring too much means I will love you with every little piece of my heart. I will try my hardest not to hurt you. I will aim to be the reason why you smile and avoid being the reason why you cry. I will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, because if I took advantage of you in any way, I would hate myself for it.
Caring too much means I will consider you my first priority. I will value your time. I will cherish every second we spend together. The smallest act of kindness from you will mean so much to me. I will never make you feel like you are unappreciated. I will never take you for granted.
Caring too much means I will care about what I get you for your birthday. I will spend hours searching for the perfect present. I will find something so sentimental that it will bring tears to your eyes. Something you never even realized you wanted in the first place.
Caring too much means I will answer every text you send me. I will help with every favor you ask of me. I will be there for you, whether it’s two in the morning or the middle of a workday. Nothing will prevent me from showing up when you need me the most.
Some people might think it’s cool to act emotionless, but I personally think you should fall in love with someone who cares too much, because they will give you everything they possibly can.
By Holly Riordan for ThoughtCatalog