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Date Someone Who You Never Have To Chase

We live in a generation full of people who are in love with the chase. You’ll frequently hear people saying that “the chase is the best part.” But in reality, it’s not.

We romanticize the idea of being chased. But there is nothing romantic about chasing someone. There is nothing romantic about asking someone to love you.

Chasing someone means being in a constant state of uneasiness with a steady stream of doubt clouding your mind every moment of every day.

Don’t date the person who makes you “work for it.” Don’t date the person who makes you question yourself or who makes you feel unloved. Don’t date the person who makes you feel like you are worthy of anything less than what you truly deserve. Don’t date the person who makes you feel like you’re in this relationship alone.

Date someone who never makes you cry. Date someone who never makes you feel like you aren’t good enough. Someone who never makes you doubt your worth. Someone who never makes you question their love.

Date someone who is present.

Date someone who is there for you. Someone who doesn’t need to be asked. Someone who shows up, not because they feel like they have to, but because they want to. Date someone who is there for the big things, and the small.

Date someone who isn’t scared to tell you how much they love you.

Date someone who makes you feel wanted. Date someone who wakes up every morning with the desire to make you smile, because seeing you without a smile on your face breaks their heart.

Date someone who will fight for you.

Date someone who spends every day showing you how much they love you. Date someone who is scared to lose you.

Date someone who makes you feel like you are in this together.

Date someone who feels like your partner. Date someone who doesn’t make you feel like dating is a game that you have to win.

Don’t date someone you have to chase. Because most of the time, the chase is never worth it.
