Category: Heartbreak

  • 14 Reasons Why She Finally Walked Away

    14 Reasons Why She Finally Walked Away

    “She stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were dark, almost black, filled with pain. She’d let someone do that to her. She’d known all along she felt things too deeply. She became attached. She didn’t want a lover who could walk away from her because she could never do that – love someone…

  • This Is When She’ll Leave You – And Never Look Back

    This Is When She’ll Leave You – And Never Look Back

    She’ll leave you when she’s finally had enough. She’ll leave the false promises for the hard, acidic truth. She’ll swallow the bitter reality pill rather than another one of your saccharine falsehoods. She’ll leave you when she’s had enough of your candy-coated compliments, handed out as treats to placate her, to make her stay every…

  • The Brutal Truth Behind The Toxic Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath

    The Brutal Truth Behind The Toxic Relationship Between A Narcissist And An Empath

    What happens when a highly empathetic person is in a relationship with a narcissistic person who lacks empathy and has an immense sense of self-importance.The outcome? Toxic and painful (for the empath). All narcissists have one common thing that you should be aware of – they are emotionally wounded people. It is usually some childhood trauma…

  • The Day My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With A Woman He’d Never Met

    The Day My Boyfriend Cheated On Me With A Woman He’d Never Met

    The day my boyfriend cheated on me, we had sex. We woke up that morning and he started the shower. We took turns under the faucet as usual. He made me laugh. We dried off and he pulled me to the bed. He fucked me, our dewy skin against each other’s. I loved it. The…

  • Every Great Story Begins With Heartbreak

    Every Great Story Begins With Heartbreak

    Every great transformation begins with heartbreak. Because heartbreak fuels you to change who you are, to change how helpless you feel, to depend on yourself for your own happiness and to start the journey of changing within and finding ways to transform your pain into something meaningful, into something better and into art. Every great artist begins with heartbreak. Because…

  • My Break Up Was The Best Thing To Happen To Me…

    My Break Up Was The Best Thing To Happen To Me…

    At some point in our lives we all have experienced the crippling and heart wrenching pain of a break up. Some are more severe than others, but nonetheless they hurt. No break up is easy. There is no guidebook, no right way to do it. My latest break up was the worst one to date.…

  • 10 Steps To Heal a Broken Heart

    10 Steps To Heal a Broken Heart

    The searing pain of a failed relationship is the greatest suffering many of us will ever experience. 1. ACCEPT THE PAIN Accept that you will have to go through some pain. It is an unavoidable truth that if you loved enough to be heartbroken, you have to experience some suffering. When you lose something that mattered…

  • 13 F*cks You Stop Giving When You’ve Been Disappointed Too Many Times By Guys

    13 F*cks You Stop Giving When You’ve Been Disappointed Too Many Times By Guys

    After you’ve been let down enough by guys, you just start to give the f*ck up. While I would never suggest anyone give up if love is what they want, I do think it’s only natural to simply quit giving a f*ck when it comes to dating, relationships, and all the rest of that BS when…

  • She Never Stopped Caring About You, Even After You Broke Her Heart

    She Never Stopped Caring About You, Even After You Broke Her Heart

    She knows she should raise her standards. She knows she deserves better. She knows she shouldn’t care about someone like you, someone who walked away without taking a glance behind. She knows she should say screw you and move on with her life. But even though she knows she has to put you in her…

  • I Am Slowly Learning That Effort Matters More Than Love

    I Am Slowly Learning That Effort Matters More Than Love

    I am slowly learning that love is not the only ingredient that goes into the creation of a relationship. It is a necessary component, but not the most significant one.  Someone can love you and treat you like shit. Someone can love you and make your life a living hell. Someone can love you and…