If You Want Me, You Need To Earn Me
Before you try to date me, you should know a few things. I’m not easily impressed, nor am I easily won. You might think I’m …
Before you try to date me, you should know a few things. I’m not easily impressed, nor am I easily won. You might think I’m …
Dear you, The reader. The person behind the screen who’s suffering unimaginable pain unnoticed by those around her. The person who needs to know that …
1. It doesn’t get easier With every age comes different challenges. We look at toddlers struggling to walk steady, we see kids learning to share …
To you who feels like giving up on that one dream: don’t. You have to hold on a little bit more. Give yourself and your dream …
Giving your relationship positive energy is a truly loving gesture. A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs the care and nurturing of two …
It’s time to LIVE. An article by Mayo Clinic points out, “Life does not exclude any of us from bearing some degree of heartache, loss, and suffering. But, …
When you love someone, you give them room to grow. You do not hold them back out of fear of losing them. You do not …
When you find the one, you can overcome any and all obstacles. Sometimes in life, you just connect with someone on a different, unique level, and …
Proceed with caution. Being single can be a freeing, incredible experience full of adventure, self-discovery… and sometimes crushing moments of total loneliness. No matter how many …
New study shows how to overcome the effects other people have on your happiness. Difficult times can be depressing for anyone, but perhaps not for …