“She is the kind of woman who would never make you wait for her replies or responses.”
She is the kind of woman who is going to give you second, third, fourth, and fifth chances even when you don’t deserve them. She knows just how terrible you’ve been to her in the past, but she still chooses to believe that there is some good in you that’s worth waiting and fighting for.
She is the kind of woman who will get hurt whenever you lie to her but she still chooses to forgive you anyway. She is the kind of girl who will still give you her trust and respect no matter how many times you have chosen to betray her in the past. She is the kind of woman who would adjust to you even though you would never adjust for her.
She is the kind of woman who would be heartbroken whenever you cancel on dates with her, but she would never tell you that she’s mad at you. She would never make you feel like all of the blame is on you even when the truth is that it is.
She is the kind of woman who would never expect any apologies from you because they are always rare, futile, and insincere. But on the rare occasion where you actually swallow your pride and say sorry, she’s still going to accept your apology even when she shouldn’t.
She is the kind of woman who is always going to give maximum effort in the relationship because she genuinely thinks that you’re worth all of the work, time, and dedication.
She is the kind of woman who you can always depend to be there for you. She is the one who would be at your side even when it’s inconvenient for her to be. She is the kind of woman you can always count on to defend you and support you through whatever trials you will be forced to go through. It doesn’t’ even matter that you never seem to give her the kind of reliability and dependability that she gives to you. She is there for you in good times and bad.
She is the kind of woman who will always make time for you even when her schedule is packed because she would never want to disappoint you despite the fact that you constantly disappoint her.
She is the kind of woman who would never make you wait for her replies or responses. She is the kind of woman who would text you back the soonest that she could because she would never want you to feel deprioritized. She would never intentionally delay her responses to play games with you. She always keeps it real with you because she doesn’t want to be fake with you in any capacity.
She is the kind of woman who never makes it all too difficult to love her even though you make it so difficult for her to love you in return.
She is the kind of woman who would give all that she has to you and she would never expect anything in return from you. She will always want to be generous with you but she carries no conditions with her generosity.
She is the kind of woman who would never speak ill of you even when you’re being the rudest and meanest person on the face of this earth. She is always going to practice maximum patience with you as much as possible – even when other people would snap in her position.
She is the kind of woman who will always love you despite the fact that you never show her that you appreciate the love that she gives you. She is the kind of woman who loves you despite the fact that you never reciprocate that love for her. She is the kind of woman who is constantly looking to make you a better person even if it means having to neglect her own needs in the process.
She is the kind of woman who would willingly get hurt for love; and who will try her best to make sure that you never feel any pain yourself.
She is the kind of woman who will constantly wear her emotions on her sleeve so that you always know where she stands. She willingly lets herself become vulnerable just so you know how much you mean to her.
She is the kind of woman who will constantly criticize herself and think herself unworthy of being with you even when the truth is that you are the one who isn’t deserving of being with her.
She is the kind of woman who will apologize for a fault she never commits just to keep you happy.
She is the kind of woman you are going to regret losing – and she will be better off for it.