And I love it.
I always considered myself a friendly person. I tried to be friendly towards everyone in high school, including the kids that no one really talked to. If someone said hi to me in the hallway; I always waved back.
A few of my friends even commented on it while we were in school. They would always tell me that I had friends in all of the friend groups, compared to most people who had one group of people they were always with. And for the most part, this was true.
But just because I was friendly towards them, didn’t mean that I was close to them.
After graduation, the number of people I talked to on a regular basis dwindled quickly. My freshman year of college I talked to everyone on my floor. Sophomore year, my roommates and close friends from home.
Now, that number of people stands at a strong three. Everyone always jokes that they “have, like, three friends.”
Yes, I literally have three friends. And I am completely OK with that.
My lifelong best friend, one of my first college friends and my boyfriend are the only people I talk to on a daily basis. Of course, I talk to other people throughout the day on a regular basis as well, but not like I talk to these guys.
I make small talk with the people I see in class or those people from home that randomly Snapchat me. These guys actually know me. They’re there for the stress and the happiness and everything else in between. They know what makes me tick and the reason behind it.
It used to bother me. I wondered if I wasn’t likable or if I was really that anti-social. People would ask if I was going to hang out with my friends over the weekend, and I realized that I had basically no one.
Now, I love it.
I love knowing that these three have my back no matter what happens. I don’t have to wonder if I can tell them something or not because I know they will listen. They check up on me and make sure I’m OK.
The older I’ve gotten the more I realize that the phrase “quality over quantity” really does ring true.
At times, it does get annoying. When all three of them are busy; I have no one to talk to. None of them live near me so I don’t see any of them as much as I wish I could. There’s no random trips to the store or “come over I need to vent.”
It’s quick calls that turn into hour-long conversations, falling asleep on Facetime and plans that never end up working out.
But that’s OK.
Because at the end of the day I know that at least three people are standing in my corner no matter what. You can have 40 friends, but how many of them will let you cry over the phone to them?
How many will send their dad to help you get out of a snowbank?
Plan a last minute day trip because you’re so stressed out that you can’t function correctly?
Probably almost none of them.
But my three friends would and have. My three friends are the equivalent of a whole army of friends. Sometimes I wish I had more people to hang out with, but at the end of the day, I love nothing more than Snapchatting and Facetiming my favorite three people in the entire world.