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There’s A Message In The Way A Person Treats You, Just Listen

There are hidden messages there that you may be missing out on.

Sometimes, the most effective kind of communication is the non-verbal kind; the one that doesn’t make use of words. Sometimes, the most meaningful and most important messages are the ones that are sent with actions and gestures. And that’s why you always need to be paying attention in a relationship; not just to what your partner is telling you, but to everything that your partner is doing for you. You can’t always just be choosing to hear all of the nice things that he tells you while simultaneously ignoring to think about all of the things that he does (or doesn’t) do for you. There is a hidden message in every way a person is going to treat you. You just have to learn how to listen and to pay more attention.

He is secretly telling you something with how he’s treating you and you need to do yourself a favor and listen to what he’s trying to tell you. Whenever you send him a text message, and he deliberately makes you wait for his reply for long stretches, he’s essentially telling you that your time doesn’t matter to him. He is telling you that your feelings of anxiety and stress don’t really concern him much. He is telling you that he is willing to let you wait and stew in your own bad feelings because he doesn’t care much about you at all. That’s what he’s trying to tell you.

Whenever you try to cook dinner for him as he gets home from work, and all he does is criticize your cooking, he’s essentially telling you something deeper. He really wants to tell you that he doesn’t value all of your kind gestures and thoughtful deeds. He doesn’t care about how much he means to you because you don’t mean too much to him. He is also telling you that he doesn’t care whatever impact his words might have on your feelings so as long as he gets to express what he thinks about you. He is telling you that he doesn’t really give a damn about your sense of self-worth and that he would willingly attack your pride and confidence whenever given the chance. He is telling you that no matter how pure your intentions are, nothing you could ever do would be enough to please him.

Whenever he blows you off on planned date nights so he can hang out with his friends, he is essentially telling you that you aren’t a priority to him. He is telling you that he would much rather enjoy the company of other people than your own. He is telling you that you are essentially not worthy of his time even though you would willingly carve substantial time out of your own schedule for him. He is telling you that he would choose his friends over you regardless of how it would make you feel. He knows that he is hurting you by making this decision, but the truth is that he just doesn’t care much about how you feel. He is telling you that you aren’t as big a part of his life as you think you are. He is telling you that you are expendable and that you are more of a seasonal delight than you are a consistent flame.

He is secretly telling you something whenever he serves as a roadblock to your dreams. Whenever he discourages you from pursuing your passions, he is essentially telling you that your dreams don’t matter and that they are irrelevant in your relationship. He is telling you that he thinks of you as a lesser person whose dreams are childish and invalid. He is telling you that you are foolish to have such goals and that you are only wasting your time by trying to pursue them. He is telling you that he wants all of your attention focused on him and on the relationship even though he would never willingly give you the same kind of effort. He would never give up his dreams for you and yet here he is demanding that you give your dreams up for him. He is telling you that he would willingly place his own personal desires above the relationship while also demanding that you place his needs above your own. He is telling you that he is selfish and that there is no room for two egos in this relationship. He is telling you that you need to swallow all of your pride and make more room for his.

So always make sure that you pay attention to how your partner treats you. There are hidden messages there that you may be missing out on – and if you’re not careful, you could end up depriving yourself of the kind of love that you really deserve to have.

By A for RelRules