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The Best Relationships Are The Most Boring Ones

The best kinds of relationships are the boring ones because one is always bored when one is comfortable.

A lot of people don’t realize that the best relationships aren’t the ones that are made up of constant fireworks, free-falls, adventures, and raging waters. Sometimes, the best relationships are those that have the calmness of a still lake. The best relationships are those that carry the subtle beauty of a solitary rose. The best relationships are as easy and as simple as a peaceful meadow. The best relationships are the ones that don’t constantly need to be filled with thrill and excitement to survive. The best relationships are the ones that thrive on being boring.

The boring relationships are the ones that are never filled with unnecessary drama and toxicity. These aren’t the relationships that drive her crying herself to sleep every night over something that he did. These aren’t the relationships that have him turn to an alcohol addiction to escape the toxic environment that she forms at home. These aren’t the relationships that make for really interesting and complex movie plots. These are the relationships that are grounded in the mundane essence of everyday life. When your relationship is boring, you don’t have those phone calls that end abruptly with one person screaming and the other person just clicking on end. When your relationship is a boring one, you aren’t yelling at one another in a room together while one person storms out mid-argument. When you are in a boring relationship, you don’t feel the need to make your partner jealous and start a fight with them just so you can grab their attention. These are all dramatic cues that come attached to a relationship that isn’t boring – a relationship that is volatile and destructive

The best kinds of relationships are the boring ones because one is always bored when one is comfortable. And that’s what relationships should always feel like. They should be able to make you feel comfortable. They should be able to simulate the comfort of being safe at home – surrounded by emotional walls of love and security. The boring relationships are never filled with much anxiety or stress. The boring relationships aren’t the ones where you’re constantly finding yourself unsure and insecure. These are the relationships where you no longer have to overthink anything that you might say in a conversation or type in a text message. These aren’t the relationships where you constantly feel pressured to come up with something interesting to talk about. These are the relationships where you can dress, look, and behave however you want because you know that your partner is always going to make you feel loved and accepted regardless of your choices.

These boring relationships aren’t the ones where you’re constantly scouring the internet and relationship magazines for advice on how you can fix your unfortunate situation. These are the relationships where you don’t feel the need to go to your friends for help on how you can be a better partner. You don’t feel the need to pressure yourself to be anyone or anything that you aren’t because you know that your partner loves you for who you are. A boring relationship is one where two people no longer feel the need to prove anything to one another.

The best relationships are always the boring ones because you don’t expect a constant surprise every single day. You are safe and sound in the security of your love and you always know what you can expect out of one another. In these boring relationships, you don’t have to constantly be wondering if your partner is still going to be there when you wake up in the morning. In these boring relationships, you don’t have to force yourself to make love or be physically intimate with your partner even when you’re tired because you know that they would understand. In these boring relationships, you don’t really feel the need to rush through your romance because you know that you have the rest of your life to be in love with one another. You don’t really need to feel the pressure to constantly be thinking about the next day because you would never want to compromise just how happy you feel about the present.

The best kinds of relationships are boring because arguments are never intense or unnecessarily drawn out. Whenever boring couples argue and fight, they rarely ever let any negative emotions linger on for too long. They are often very good at coming to compromises and finding resolutions to their disagreements that they can both be happy with. The boring kinds of relationships are never ones that have intense shouting matches and hysterical crying sessions.

But above all, the boring relationships are the stable ones. They are the ones that stay strong no matter what gets thrown their way. They are so used to just steadying the ship and staying the course even when the waves get rough.

By A for RelRules