What causes us to give in, to stop trying?
It’s in our nature as humans to give up. We hold up the “I Quit” board when a door closes or is about to close. We give up or we settle, giving ourselves all the reasons in the world as to why we are doing it. We settle for sadness instead of fighting it, we settle for abuse instead of acknowledging it, we settle for every other thing in life that we think was meant for us. We often don’t fight back; that is just what we need to change, because settling for less is exactly what we do not deserve to do.
In a split second, our heart decides that the doors about to close in on us are too far away to run to or too strong for our weak hands to hold back. In a matter of seconds, we accept our surroundings, give in to them and forget about our power to ask or fight for more. Our self-esteem bows down a little bit more every time we give in to our own boundaries; boundaries that are not even there, or anywhere at all.
What causes us to give in, to stop trying? Nothing but our will that has been damaged by people who made us realize that we do not deserve anymore than what they are giving us, people who induced the idea of sufficiency in our hearts and minds, people who lack aspirations; people who are a hindrance in achieving the never-achieved, people with a limited imagination and no inspiration of their own.
When you receive something less, especially love, and are told to settle for it, don’t. When you are told to expect a little less and are given a reason that has to do something with being ‘realistic’, throw that opinion away. Love is one of the few things in the world which cannot be counted, love is something you can never have ‘too much’ of. It is the sweet smiles in the morning and pats on shoulders at night, it is the melody of a flute and the thuds of a drum; it is the king of all emotions yet the most fragile of all. We are concrete and love is abstract, that is why we need every ounce of it, to soften our hearts and to soothe our souls.
Love is beautiful and so are you; both should go hand in hand.
We need to unclamp our wrists free from the grip of our inner self that tells us to settle for whatever we get and everything else that holds us back from acknowledging the fact that we deserve more. By ‘more’, we do not mean the Sun and the stars, nor do we intend to infer the idea of being greedy for love, of being clingy and begging people to love you more than you are currently loved. Never beg, but fight. Fight with a strong will in yourself and a powerful self-esteem, powerful enough to hold the closing doors back with bare hands and let opportunities pour in for you. If you choose to let the doors be closed once and for all, you might never be able to hear the voices calling for you from the other side of it and you might never get what you deserve if you stop looking. So stop bowing down to your self-esteem and keep hopes up for everything positive in life is yours just as it is someone else’s. You deserve love; you deserve someone who goes out of their way to make it obvious that they want you in their life.
Expression is vital for the presence of love. In fact, expression is why love exists in the first place. It does not have to be in the form of words or even expensive presents, but mild, meaningful gestures that say more than words and presents can ever do. It is all about the person doing enough, and sometimes more than enough, to show you that they want you in their life, that it will be incomplete without you and that you have become a significant part of it. You deserve to be felt special every once in awhile by the person you love, not because it is the way relationships go, but because you, as a person, deserve it.
An ordinary lover is all we need in life who is extraordinary for us and who we need to be extraordinary for. Settling for incomplete truth and insufficient expression is not what we deserve. You were born in a world filled with feelings like love and your stars shine bright in their constellation: that should be reason enough for you to realize that you deserve more than an ordinary lover who is not extraordinary for you.
When someone wants you to stay in their life, they do everything they can think of to make it clear to you. You have to keep your eyes open to see those things and if you have been keeping your eyes open for too long, only to see empty, meaningless words and presents, you need to confront your need for more instead of settling for what you get. Because when you look in a mirror, you do not just see a body, you see a part of the universe existing to be treated like a piece of art because that is exactly what you are. You are just as human as you could be and you carry in yourself everything as artistic as the universe itself.
Life is precious and so are you. The person you choose for yourself is no less than you, so it is necessary you find them and keep them, because you deserve them. Kisses, hugs, smiles, laughter and everything nice needs to pour through the doors that you held open for yourself. All the power and all the strength you put in to keep them open should pay off. Remember, never let the doors close, never give in and never settle because you deserve more.
By Kaetlyn Summers for RelRules