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Find Someone Who Knows How To Calm Your Storms

You need to find someone who is going to give you the confidence to actually believe that you are more than you really are.

All of life is a storm, and sometimes, you’re just going to need someone who is going to be able to help you weather that storm. Whenever life gets too overwhelming, whenever the rush of the wind is too strong and you feel like you are going to get knocked off of your feet, then you need that one person with whom you can cling to for strength and stability. Whenever the current gets too rough, you are going to need that life jacket to keep you afloat. Whenever the clouds get too gloomy, you are going to need that protective coating to shield you from the rains.

Think about just how important your life is to you and how much you value it. While you think you can take on life on your own, you can’t. No one can. You are always going to need at least one other person to help you out. You need one other person to help you get through the troubles that you’re experiencing. You need to have one other person to give you the perspective and the guidance that you need to get by. You need someone who can serve as your white clouds to help ease the strong rays of the sun. You don’t want to end up burned and dehydrated. You need to have a person who can serve as the blue in the morning skies; the one who adds color and life to your days even when you feel groggy and tired.

You need to find that one person who is going to give light and brightness to your day, the one who is going to breathe life into you whenever you are feeling down and dejected. You need that healthy ray of sunshine that won’t harm you, the one who is going to give you the power to go on and do everything that you need to get done. You need someone who is going to enable you and empower you to live the life that you want. You need to find someone who is going to bring life and love into the darkest parts of your soul. This is the person who is going to inspire you to move and to be the best possible version of yourself.

You need to find someone who keeps everything in perspective for you. This is the person who is going to remind you of your strength whenever things start getting really bleak and difficult. This is the person who is going to keep you level-headed during high-pressure situations and times of turmoil. This is the man who is going to steady the pace of your rowdy heart. This is the man who is going to allow you to breathe easy breaths. This is the man who is going to bring peace to your soul even when everything around you is moving at an uncomfortable pace. This is the man who is going to make you feel like you’re home even when you are surrounded by an unfamiliar environment.

You need to find someone who is going to give you the confidence to actually believe that you are more than you really are; the person who can convince you that you are bigger than what your body gives you credit for. You need to find someone who is going to give you the voice that you need to demand for everything that you deserve in life. You need to find someone who is going to give you the strength to actually fight for everything that you want for yourself. You need to find that one person who is going to serve as the light in an increasingly gloomy and scary world.

You need to find someone who is able to challenge you to forge your own path even when it’s a more difficult journey to make. You need to find someone who is going to convince you that the easiest path isn’t necessarily going to be the right one. And even though life can seem intimidating, this person is going to be able to make you feel comfortable with that. This person is going to give you the bravery that you need to face the difficulties that life are going to throw at you. This person is going to give you the kind of encouragement that you need to keep on pushing forward.

But most importantly, this person is going to make an already difficult path ahead of you less daunting. This person is going to be able to make a rough and treachery road seem like it’s made of smooth silk. This person is going to give you the kind of comfort that you need whenever you are at your most vulnerable. This person is going to be the one who calms all of your storms.

By A for ReRules