Many of us spend the majority of our lives searching for the right person to compliment our lives and to share our world. And while there may not be a perfect mate, there is most definitely a right mate.
So how exactly does one know that they have met their Mr. Right? Well, there are actually a number of signs that indicate we are on track.
1. He Values Your Opinion
When you have a man in your life that cares about your interests and opinions, and that asks for your guidance, you have most likely found a keeper.
2. He Brags About You
If your man randomly blurts out things that he loves about you to his friends and family, or they tell you upon meeting you how many wonderful things they have heard about you, you are most definitely on the right track.
3. You Can Literally Feel the Chemistry in the Air
Similar to friction, when you are together you can just feel the currents running between the two of you, and that is most definitely a great sign!
4. You Can Be Yourself
Talking to him is almost like second nature. You find yourself sharing your secrets, sharing your interests and just naturally opening up to him. It may even feel as though you have literally known him all your life.
5. You Communicate With One Another Easily
Expressing your feelings to him, no matter what they are regarding should not be hard. Furthermore, understanding one another is key to keeping an ongoing bond with another person. So, if you communicate effectively, then rejoice, you may have found Mr. Right!
6. He Gives You Space
Rather than wanting to control you, he understands that you need time to pursue your interests, and to just enjoy your own peace. Not only does he understand it, he encourages it.
7. You Can Truly Laugh Together
Sometimes, he makes you laugh so hard it hurts. And you are able to return the favor. If you can have fun, and dance around and sing with someone in such a way that it brings pleasure to your everyday life to be around him.
8. You Share Goals
No one will agree on everything, but if you share a common interest in the future you are heading in the right direction.
9. He Makes You Want to Be a Better Person
Not only does he empower you to be a better person, he doesn’t demand it, it just happens. You want to change and to become a better person for yourself and for your future with him. If this is the case, he is probably the right one.
10. He Likes Your Family, and Your Family Likes Him
While this one factor won’t be the major determining factor, it’s a good sign when he loves your family and they love him back.
By EvolveMe