I dare you to love me when I’m strong. Don’t be intimidated by my strength. Don’t let it make you feel small. Don’t let it emasculate you. Be empowered by it. Find comfort in the fact that I don’t need you, but I want you.
I dare you to love me when I’m wrong. Because I will be. Maybe even a million times. But I hope you spare me a million ‘I told you so’s’.
I dare you to love me when YOU’RE wrong. Because you will be. Maybe even a million times. And I will spare you a million ‘I told you so’s’.
I dare you to love me when I cry. Don’t let my tears scare you. They used to scare me, but now I find strength in letting them fall. I find strength in drying them myself, but now I’m giving you a chance to show me what you’re made of. So show me.
I dare you to love me when I break. Don’t let my strength fool you; I break easily. So when I do, I’m asking you to help find my pieces and put them back together. I promise to do the same for you.
I dare you to love me when I’m looking for a hand to hold. It’s hard for me to reach out and ask for help, so, when I do, be there. I’m not looking for your shoulders to carry me, just for your guidance to direct me.
I dare you to love me when I fail. Because my soul hungers for adventure, and adventure is bound to fail me. My soul hungers for fire, and fire burns. My soul hungers for passion, and passion is fleeting. But when my soul hungers for your love, I hope it never fails me.
Its easy for you to love me when I’m whole, but I’m sitting here daring you to love me whole.
By Peri Kouss for ThoughtCatalog