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8 Ways to Impress that Guy

Want to impress him? Try these tricks!

Who doesn’t want to impress the guy of our liking? Or anyone for that matter? A lot of us enjoy making friends and seeing new people. Whether you are out on a date, or just meeting new people. These are just some ways you could impress a guy!

8. Teach him something new.

Chances are, you may know things he doesn’t or vice-versa. Ask him to teach you something new, then teach him something in return. Or you can simply just teach him something anyway. Guys love learning but they also enjoy working with their hands, so keep that in consideration. Trust me, They will assume you are smart (but of course, you are smart!) Men will be impressed.

7. Something impressive is looking confident, and being confident in yourself.

A man can tell when a girl is faking it, or when she isn’t feeling herself. So just be yourself! If you like yourself, chances are they’ll like you too!

6. Out on a date eating steak? Order the same size as his, and finish your plate.

There’s no need to be bashful or starve yourself because you don’t want to look like a pig in front of your soon-to-be man! Honestly, just eat it slowly. Enjoy your steak that he’s probably paid about twenty dollars for. Really though, he’d be impressed.

5. Don’t have your nose in the air.

When meeting his friends, no matter the circumstance, please don’t act better than them. Friends are everything to each other. Without friends, the world would be boring. Just think, would your friends like it if he was arrogant and rude? Yeah. Just remember the golden rule! Also, you might end up even liking his friends! Why does this involve a guy being impressed? Because your social skills are important. The more comfortable you are and assuring your comfortable will make him impressed that you’re getting along with the guys (and friends that just so happen to be girls! And hey, getting along with his girl friends is really impressive!)

4. Comebacks.

Comebacks can be quite impressive. I always have a comeback to whatever jokes the guy I am seeing makes. Like short jokes for example. If he isn’t any taller than you by 4 inches, can he really make a joke about you? Just think of an even better short joke! But make sure you don’t cross the line. Comebacks can be impressive HOWEVER, they can also get out of hand so make sure he’s okay and assure him you are kidding. Unless you want to argue…

3. Arguing…

Winning an argument is every woman’s dream. And we constantly win every time. But sometimes, it’s okay for the guys to win. We don’t always have to be right. And honestly, men love it when they’re right too. Don’t you think they get tired of telling us, “Fine. You were right, I was wrong.” Just let the man be right for once! If you were wrong of course. Trust me, showing that you can accept losing (a petty argument at that) is indeed, impressive. Cause it’s rare that we women even admit our wrongs.

2. Talent.

If you have a talent, show them. Chances are, they’ll really appreciate that you aren’t afraid to show the true you. Also, if guys can brag on themselves, why can’t us? Why can’t you?

1. No Makeup!

Guys actually prefer less makeup than we like to wear. It can be really impressive to the guys when they see you’re comfortable without the comfort of your foundation. But in no way am I saying guys hate makeup. Some of them actually love it. They see how it’s artistic. And somehow, guys also find that impressive.

Disclaimer: This won’t work for all guys. But you are welcome to try these!

By Caitie Perry