If you make your partner choose between yourself and something else that’s very much important to them, then that’s just plain unfair. You shouldn’t expect them to choose you in that scenario either. When you truly love someone, you never give them ultimatums. You never make them choose between your relationship and something else that is close to their heart. You have to be able to find a way to conflate all of those things in a healthy romantic environment.
2. You invade your partner’s sense of privacy and personal space.
You have to remember that just because you’re in a relationship together doesn’t automatically meant that you are granted unlimited access to the various aspects of your partner’s life. You aren’t entitled to owning and controlling your partner like some sort of object. You have to respect that your partner is still a human being who has boundaries and rules that you have to respect if you still want to keep them in your life.
3. You treat your partner like a baby.
You shouldn’t ever be treating your partner like some immature child who doesn’t know how what they’re doing. You have to remember that equality and balance are essential aspects of a harmonious relationship. If you constantly envision yourself as someone who is above your partner in the relationship, then you can likely expect your partner to get fed up of that kind of treatment fairly quickly.